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movies! who, me?

Writing about myself is one of the most difficult tasks I have ever met with -

it either ends up as too much, or too little, or not the right stuff :) but I'll still give it a shot..

Its true what they say – it takes a lifetime to just get to know your own self – like the musk deer searching for the source its fragrance...

Now, I would not call myself a movie buff, but a chat with a friend who claims to be interested in movie making and the whole works and I realized that I had quite a few favourites…

Anyway, we were speaking of me – well, I guess I love wearing all colors but prefer donning The Scarlet and the Black. Once met The man who knew too much, but thought he was a bit of Psycho.

A self confessed detective, I once climbed all The 39 steps and spent 36 Hours trying To Chase a Crooked Shadow with Mary Poppins to help me with her magic bag. Finally had to hand over the case to The Inspector General.

Come September and it’s time for romance. I love Singing in the Rain, corn-on-the-cob and sugarcane juice, impromptu drives, icecreams and go berserk to the Sound of Music.

To ward off evil, I Knock on Wood.

Being a wildlife freak, I can spend hours watching Birds. I’d love to go on an African Safari and travel Around the world in 80 Days

I still don’t know what to do with The Rope, have yet to To catch a thief and find The million pound note - and wait for that special person who will call me My Fair Lady.

Till then, let the impulse lead me on....

- Court Jester (aka Alaka)


  1. ya we started out discussing politics, history and certain controversial topics. But now more or less I have retired from blogging

  2. Thanks for the visit to my blog! Chk the other one!

  3. That sure is quite a range :)
